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TypeButler 1.3.1

автор: michaa47 | 4 февраля 2023 | Просмотров: 19

TypeButler 1.3.1
File size: 3.0 MB

TypeButler helps you to type frequently used texts, from single words to whole sentences, paragraphs, emails, etc. This not only reduces the time needed for typing the texts, but also eliminates the risk of typos. You can organize your text blocks in a clear menu structure and select them with a single click. TypeButler can type the texts into any program, it can simulate complex key combinations and it can replace typed texts on the fly.

It can also be used to replace key combinations with any others or assign functions to mouse buttons or the mouse wheel. TypeButler supports mouse wheel acceleration and scroll navigation for faster, easier and more convenient navigation in documents and windows of any kind. All functions are fully customizable.
Key Features
Typing predefined text blocks into any program
Simulation of complex key combinations
Organization of frequently used texts in clear menu structure for easy and quick access
Replacement of any key combination
Replacement of typed texts on the fly
Assignment of functions to mouse buttons and the mouse wheel
Two-dimensional scrolling with one mouse click
Dynamic mouse wheel acceleration (fully configurable)
Fully customizable with program specific profiles
Silent installation and uninstallation for mass deployment




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