Adobe Substance 3D Stager v1.3.2 (x64) Multilingual
File Size: 1.74 GB
Substance 3D Stager a professional staging tool for scene design and rendering. Import content, arrange your scene, apply materials and textures, adjust both image-based and physical lighting, save cameras with different resolutions, and render photorealistic imagery - all in Stager!Work on your final image.
Substance 3D Stager lets you make creative decisions in context. Refine and adjust your composition in real time. Visualize and edit advanced materials with complex lighting and shadows. (Stager is not yet available on Macs with Apple M1 chips.)
Tools to flesh out your ideas. Build your realistic 3D scenes with quick and efficient smart tools. Block out shapes, snap elements, activate physics to avoid collisions between models, and generate simple lights.
Access a vast network of resources. Stager comes with models, materials, and lights to get started. Or explore and use the thousands of high-end assets made by our 3D experts and included with your Substance 3D Collection plan.
Connect to your 3D toolset. Leverage the full power of Creative Cloud: import elements from Modeler, Painter, Designer, and Sampler. Edit images in Illustrator and Photoshop, and instantly see your modifications in Stager.
Lighting made easy Enhance your lighting with the environment light editor or add physical 3D lights to your scene for advanced lighting design.
Diverse format support Enjoy support for an array of formats from CAD (for enterprise customers) to USD and glTF, as well as parametric Substance materials, lights, and models.
Physics awareness Set up realistic collisions between objects during positioning and transformation.
Project showcase Import your Painter projects into Stager with a single click and pick up where you left off.
Interactive workspace Switch between real-time rendering and interactive path tracing while keeping a high visual quality.
System Requirements: OS: Windows 10 (64bit) CPU:Intel Core i7/AMD Ryzen 7 GPU:Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060/Nvidia Quadro P2200/AMD Radeon RX 580 VRAM: 8GB RAM: 16GB Hard drive: 30 GB SSD
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