Mix smarter and faster with iZotope's Neutron 4, your complete suite for crafting a professional mix. Sculpt sounds seamlessly while staying in your flow.
Meet your new mixing suite Neutron 4 comes with 8 plug-ins including a mothership and 7 component modules. Use the component plug-ins individually or combine them in the mothership to sculpt your sound. Plus, you'll get Visual Mixer, Relay and Tonal Balance Control 2 plug-ins to assist your mixing process.
Assistant View Neutron's beloved Mix Assistant is now modernized into the new Assistant View, your intelligent control center that produces fast, personalized results.
Make Space. The new Unmask Module discovers and fixes masking issues for you, enabling you to reach new levels of clarity. Make space between two competing tracks, balancing your bass and kick or allowing vocals to shine over your mix.
Distort Responsibly. Or Not. A slice of iZotope fan favorite, Trash, is now in Neutron 4. Distort and destroy sound with Trash Mode and dial in specific extremes with the Tone Slider and Tame button. Explore the boundaries of weird and wild.
Punch it up. Make an impact using the new Punch Mode to control and visualize how hard your sounds hit. Add more thump, punch or snap to breathe life into vocals, percussion, bass, and more.
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