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Ham Radio Deluxe v6.8.0.340

автор: michaa47 | 30 сентября 2022 | Просмотров: 428

Ham Radio Deluxe v6.8.0.340

Ham Radio Deluxe v6.8.0.340

File size: 295 MB

Radio Control
Ham Radio Deluxe supports most radios that are on the market that have CAT Control built into the radio.

The HRD Logbook allows you to make contacts and simultaniously log them onto the computer's hard drive. There is also the option for automatic eQSL logging and 1-click LOTW logging. Awards Tracking and DX Clusters are also included.

DM-780 allows you to decode and transmit multiple digital modes from your computer. CW, Rtty, and PSK-31 are also available in SuperSweeper allowing for multiple signals to be decoded at the same time. Click here for a complete list of modes available with Ham Radio Deluxe.

Satellite Tracking
Track where a satellite's path will be in the sky anytime in the next five minutes to the next 48 hours. Tracking is kept accurate by Kepler Data that automatically updates throughout the day.

Rotator Control
Use the HRD Rotator Control to turn an antennae towards any possible signal. With full Azimuth and Elevation controls, the Rotator Control can also be used when tracking satellites. Track long-path and short-path with the built in grey line map.

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